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Donate to Godalming Minster

Please include a helpful REFERENCE to indicate what your donation/payment is for. E.g. for the the Busbridge Tower Project put Tower.

The Minster Family Support Fund has a separate account - please see below.

Sponsor Ben

Gofundme for my 39 mile barefoot walk in aid of the Busbridge Church Tower Project

Giving to Godalming Minster

Godalming Minster, like most churches in the UK, is almost entirely funded by voluntary giving from the church members. Churches do not generally receive any income from central or local government, except where they provide specific, government supported services.

Godalming Minster is a registered charity, renamed from the former Busbridge PCC. You can find the Busbridge Church annual published accounts here.

It costs over £600,000 a year to run the churches comprising Godalming Minster. We are grateful to the many people who enable the church to flourish through regular planned giving: this is usually done by a monthly standing order. Having a regular income is very helpful so the church can plan its activities to make best use of the available funds. You can set up a standing order by online banking, or by completing a form at your bank.

There is always a collection plate available at each service. Special collections are taken about four times a year to support other charities, missionaries and organisations chosen by our Mission Partnering group.

Ways of Giving

BACS transfer or Standing Order

The bank details you need are as follows:

Godalming Minster main account
Bank: NatWest, Godalming Branch
Sort Code: 60-09-04
Account name: Godalming Minster
Account no: 00705349

Please include a helpful REFERENCE to indicate what your donation/payment is for. We use the bank accounts to receive and pass on money to our Outward Giving partners, or for particular projects.

Other ways to give:

If you prefer to make a donation by cheque, these can be sent to Martin Lambert, Treasurer (make cheques out to Godalming Minster), at the Church Office address (Old Rectory, Old Rectory Gardens, Godalming GU7 1XB).

You can also leave a donation in the collection plate at one of our services.

We are also part of the Parish Giving Scheme (this was previously used by Godalming Parish before the merger, so we have now moved the scheme across to the Minster. This enables you to give via Direct Debit (rather than the standing order method detailed above) and includes the convenient option to increase your giving in line with inflation each year automatically. You can find further details and sign up for the scheme here.


Gift Aid

If you have paid sufficient tax in the tax year in which you make the donation, then we are able to claim an additional 25% on all the amounts given. 
This is clearly very significant for us, so please do complete a Gift Aid form if you are entitled to do so.
You can download a form here. Please complete and send a scan of the form to

You can also collect hard copies of the form and return them to the Church Office. If you use the Parish Giving Scheme (see above) you can let them claim the gift aid when you sign up.

Thank you very much for your support of the work of Godalming Minster.


Minster Family Support Fund

The Minster Family Support Fund is a separate fund to support families and individuals in our community in times of difficulty. The treasurer of the fund is Jill Johnston and you can email her here.

The Family Support Fund has its own bank account:

Bank: NatWest, Godalming Branch
Sort Code: 60-09-04
Account name: Minster Family Support Fund
Account no: 72854154

Please make cheques payable to Minster Family Support Fund.