The Bereavement Journey

See to get a good feel for this nationally run course, then return to this page to sign up, free of charge.

The Bereavement Journey is a series of films and discussion groups that gently guide people bereaved at any time through the most common aspects of grief and bereavement, enabling them to process the implications for themselves and discern next steps.

Usually run by churches, the programme uniquely offers a final session on faith questions in bereavement, provided from a Christian perspective.  This follows the main sessions and is optional, making The Bereavement Journey suitable for people of any faith or none.

Please register you interest for the next course using the form below. You can also contact Sandra Wilkin e: to find out more.

Register Here

How will we use your information? Your details will only be used in connection with the delivery and management of The Bereavement Journey and in accordance with the privacy policy of Busbridge&Hambledon Church.