
Godalming Minster is home to multiple congregations, all a little different in style, approach and format. The congregations host a range of services across our four locations every Sunday.

Select the service to view time, venue and other details. Summary, in any month and most Sundays:

  • Brighton Road 10am, 6pm I Church Street 8am, 9am, 10.30am, 5pm

  • Franklyn Road 10am I Hambledon 10am, 4pm

About Sundays

People tend to connect with a particular location or style of worship, and with the people that share their preference. We call that a congregation, though no one is fixed, and you can attend any service at any location, anytime. Congregations often mix through mid-week activities, at the Yew Tree Café and in small bible study groups.

Some services only take place on particular Sundays of the month. Please check the times, details and any changes to regular Sunday services on the calendar.

You can join some of the congregations online via YouTube, or watch services on demand. We’re currently updating our youtube channel and installing livestream equipment at some of our locations.

Church Street


Monthly on 2nd Sundays

Holy Communion (BCP)

Said communion service with the 1662 Book of Common Prayer on 2nd Sundays of the month. All welcome to stay for breakfast in the Octagon after the service.

A permanent feature of the Church of England's worship and a key source for its doctrine, the Book of Common Prayer is loved for the beauty of its language.

Congregation Leader: Canon John Harkin

Church Street


1 & 3

Choral Eucharist

Steeped in tradition and accompanied by the robed Minster Choir, the services follow Common Worship liturgy and make the most of the fine organ and traditional building. We celebrate communion (Eucharist) at 9am.

Congregation Leaders: Canon John Harkin and Rev Simon Taylor

Organist & Master of Choristers: Matthew Greenfield

Church Street



Contemporary & Church in the Park

An informal service, starting with coffee, with band led contemporary worship. Contemporary makes creative use of modern media.

Holy Communion 3rd Sundays.

2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays Creche & Children’s groups (for 4-11s) run in the Octagon. Children start in the service before leaving for their groups. See Children, Youth & Families

Congregation Leader: Rev Simon Willetts

The 1st Sunday of the month is all age, outdoor Church in the Park at the Jack Phillips Memorial Park (between the bandstand and the Cloister). BYO cup for coffee and hot chocolate.

Muddy Leaders: Mark Puddephatt and Suzie Lambert.



Every Sunday


A relaxed, friendly and popular service with a blend of Common Worship and more contemporary elements, traditional hymns and songs. There’s a children’s club on 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month.

Holy Communion 2nd Sundays.

Congregation Leaders: Dudley Hilton & Rev David Jenkins

Brighton Road


Every Sunday


A structured service following Common Worship, including well-known hymns, and space for listening and reflecting.

Holy Communion 1st Sundays of the month.

Congregation Leader: Frances Shaw

Franklyn Road

Sunday Service

Informal reverence, with liturgy and using a variety of recorded musical worship. This is a smaller congregation with a big heart for serving its community.

1st Sundays - All Age service
2nd Sundays - Holy Communion
3rd Sundays - Service of the Word
4th Sundays - Holy Communion
5th Sundays - Café Church

Congregation Leader: Rev Sheila Samuels


Every Sunday

Hambledon Village Hall


Monthly on 3rd Sundays

Messy Church

Messy Church takes place in Hambledon Village Hall for primary age children with their parent(s) and carer(s).

Fun, games and craft with a bible theme, and a sandwich tea. Needless to say, the format is informal!

Congregation Leader: Fran Duffell

Church Street

Choral Evensong

Tranquil and timeless, the Godalming Minster choir leads a contemplative sunset service, which uses the 1662 Book of Common Prayer (BCP).

This includes a sung Psalm, the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis, readings from scripture and say the traditional Lord’s Prayer.

Congregational Leader: Canon John Harkin


on 4th Sundays

Brighton Road


Every Sunday

Evening Worship

The Busbridge Evening service is where we give space for the charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit. It follow a flexible and informal format, featuring extended time for worship. Our Youth groups start in the service before leaving for food and their activity in the Hut. On 1st Sundays they stay and take part in the service:

1st Sundays - with Youth, 4th Sundays - with Holy Communion.

Congregation Leader: Rev Lesley Mason

Look ahead